My passion is to help you create your joyous life by assisting you in getting past your personal blocks and by developing empowering new beliefs and behaviors.
Living a joyous life has been a passionate pursuit for me. Nobody wants to be stuck in negativity, have periods of self-doubt and low confidence. Nobody wants to be trapped in negative relationships or in financial trouble. I have created content as well as a tried and true program to assist you in creating your own joyous life. Is it possible to live joyously day in and day out? YES!!!! Let me help you create and manifest your joyous life! Not joy in one area, but in all areas. A truly joyous life!
Peaceful Past:
So many of us have painful memories from the past. Do they need to stay that way? No. Are they doing you any good? No. Change the stories you are telling and you can start changing the past. That can be challenging at times. I have created a program that will help you change the stories you tell, especially the ones you are telling unconsciously. Join me in helping you create your joyous life.
Joyous Present:
Oh, this is fun! A Joyous Life tackles the topics of living joyously in the here and now. Do you want more divine inspiration, healthy relationships, amazing health and well-being, clear mind and spaces, financial health and a thriving business, more adventure and joyful activities, growth and learning. Let me help you live a more joyous present. I have created an amazing program that will help you live joyously now. Also find many tips and information on how to live more joyously day to day. Find yourself living the life you want. It is time.
Powerful Future:
What are your hopes and dreams? How do you feel about creating your ideal vision and have it actually manifest? Does that sound great? You’ve done vision boards and affirmations and studied the Law of Attraction with varying results. I can help you with take it further. Let me help you create Your Joyous Life and start manifesting your dreams. I offer programs and tried and true ideas to help you make this happen.It is time to create your perfect life. Join me in the journey to live a more beautiful and joyous life.
Would you like to be more joyous, connected, and empowered? I define joy as having a smile in your head, a smile in your heart, and a smile in your gut. And when you have a smile in your head, heart and gut, you will have a smile on your face. Joy comes with feelings of peace, gratitude, hope and love. These feelings tell you that you are enough and that life is enough, while still feeling hope for things to come.
The 3 Brains:
Science reveals there are complex neural processing functions in the mind, heart and gut. Basically 3 brains.
Head Brain: Responsible for cognitive perception, thinking, and deciding meaning.
Heart Brain: Responsible for emotions and values.
Gut Brain: Responsible for core identity, self-preservation, and mobilization (action).
The neurotransmitters between all three areas are extensive and each brain affects the others. So in creating your joyous life keep this in mind. Remember to have a smile in your head, heart and gut.
Take a minute and tune into your head, then your heart, and then your gut. What is going on? What needs the most attention?
Think It:
Let’s start with your head brain. Sitting around waiting to be happy isn’t going to get you there. It is essential to take responsibility for ones own happiness when living a joyous life in your thoughts. No blaming others for your circumstances or feelings. It is about choosing joy. Everyday we face many choices, where we can choose negativity or we can choose joy. Starting with our thoughts when we first wake. Are they joyous thoughts or stressful thoughts? It sets a tone for the day.
It is important to be aware and conscious of our thoughts. Step back periodically to observe and then if needed reframe to joy and happiness. Watch your thoughts and keep them positive. Remember to be kind to yourself and cut yourself slack for your imperfections. It helps me to see myself as if I was my 4 year old self. Think about how you talk to a 4 year old and the patience you have for their imperfections. Think about how nurturing you are. Talk to yourself that way. Be kind and let go of the need to be perfect. And lastly, for now, be grateful. If you are having a hard time turning around your thoughts, then write down what you are grateful for.
Essential Oil: Douglas Fir for wisdom
Feel It:
Now let’s talk about your heart brain. An exercise that works well for me is to hold my hands over my heart and call in the feelings love and joy. I imagine that this feeling pours down from the heavens. Once I start feeling the joy, I let it expand to fill my body and then push outward. This is a powerful tool. Being mindful of what you are feeling helps you be able to turn it around.
Sense It:
When I start feeling anxiety or fear, it shows up in my gut, specifically the solar plexus area. I sense a big ball of negative energy. Remember that gut brain has to do with core identity, self-preservation, and mobilization. It helps to think about which of these areas is out of alignment. Is it time for self-care, protection, or is it because of procrastination or putting something off or there is something to do and its time to move into action. Again, I place my hand over my solar plexus and try to get clear on what going on. Then do something about it. Put your hands over your solar plexus and call in feelings of joy and peace to help dislodge the ball of negative.
Want a program to help you maximize the your 3 brains so you can create and manifest your joyous, beautiful life? Keep reading.
Yes, we want to shift our mindset, our emotions and self-identity. But, if we really want core change we also have to look at our subconscious.
Only 12% of your mind is conscious. The other part is unconscious. Some of your unconscious programs are in line with your conscious desires, but many are not. We have programs running from when we were young all the way up to the present time. The programs that are not inline with your consciousness have the tendency to sabotage and sideline you. Have you ever made a goal and consciously you wanted it and it made sense and it was for your benefit, but you keep not doing it. Say you have a program running from childhood where you picked up the idea that chocolate cake is good. Now say you decide that you no longer want your sugar addiction and chocolate cake is a no no. But your best friend brings you a treat of chocolate cake for you to share. What is going to win out? Chances are it is the subconscious programming. Frustrating? Yes. Hopeless?” NOOOOO.
There are some powerful tools for combatting your negative subconscious programming. One of these is repetition. Do you want to find out more? Do you want a program that will not only address your mindset, emotions, and self-identity, but also your subconscious?
Manifesting Your Joyous Life:
Do you want a program that walks you through the steps to help implement lasting changes your thinking (and kicking out the negative self talk), help you rewrite your subconscious, stop your self-sabotaging, move forward and create and manifest your joyous, amazing life? This Manifesting Your Joyous Life Program will do that.
This amazing program will walk you through the steps to increase your productivity and free up time to do what you want, it will help give you the willpower to eat more nutritiously, it will help give you the strength to become more fit and healthy.
Do you want to increase your spirituality and connect with your divine source in a better way? This program will help you.
Do you want to live your life with more love and gratitude? This program will help you.
Do you have bad habits you want to shift? This program will help you.
Do you want beautiful fulfilling relationships with family? Friends? Clients? This program will help you.
Do you want financial health and a thriving business? This program will help you.
Do you want more joy activities in your life? This program will help you.
Do you want more organization in your thoughts and spaces? This program will help you.
It will help you walk through the process, step by step.
You will learn principles that will help you the rest of your life. But we know that principles learned, but not implemented will not get your very far. So this is an implantation program as well. You will receive tools that will transform your life. You will develop new habits that will shift your whole way of interacting with the world. You will not only learn how to create your joyous life, but you will be walking step by step through the steps to implement your joyous life. You will be creating a clear vision of what you want and then, make it happen. You will be manifesting your joyous life. Not only will you be able to visualize your joyous life, you will be creating it.