Business/Money Mindset
- Clarity: Do you have a business? Do you want a business. One of the first keys is getting clarity on WHY you are doing your business.
- What is your divine purpose in growing your business? Is it about lifting others, about financial freedom for your family, about developing your talents?
- Another key is determining WHAT your goals are. What are the specific outcomes you desire?
- The Why is what drives you and the goals are what keep you focused. Get clear on these two things and this will put you on the path to up-leveling your business.
- Clear Conscious: Do all your business with integrity and honesty.
- Connection: Connection is about the present time.
- Relationships: What are you doing now to connect to clients, co-workers, your goals? Your business success is greatly determined by the quality of your relationships. Those are to be nurtured. Set the goal to nurture at least 5 business relationships personally each week. This is a recipe for success. See the relationship section for more information.
- Time Blocking: Block out time to connect to your business. Especially if you are an entrepreneur. Block out regular hours and within those hours you can specify times to do different tasks. Then let everyone know your blocked times and stick to it!
- Focus: Remember to make income producing activities the focus of your business.
- Daily Actions: Specify the daily, weekly, and monthly actions that promote your business best and schedule them in to your time blocking.
- Gratitude: Focusing on what you are grateful for in your business is much more productive than focusing on what isn’t happening.
- Appreciate the small wins as well as the big. Find joy in the little successes.
- Have gratitude for the work and clients you now have and also those that will be joining you in the next year.
- Appreciate your strengths and talents in doing your business. Validate the progress you’ve already made.
- Take a moment each day to sit in gratitude for your business.
- Generosity: What you give out comes back to you.
- Remember to give back and serve others.
- Promoting your business can not only help you, but others.
- Be fair in compensating employees.
- Clarity: Do you have a business? Do you want a business. One of the first keys is getting clarity on WHY you are doing your business.
Money Mindset:
- Clarity: First of all, let’s clarify that money is neither good nor bad, it is merely a tool that can be used for good or ill and everything in between. It is the steward of that money who determines what it is used for. Wouldn’t be better to have a money mindset that attracts money? Money is a beautiful tool and can be used to reduce stress and help yourself and others. Also, God is a God of abundance. Our job is to be good stewards.
- Tip 1: To find out what your money beliefs are, write down all that comes to mind when you think about having, earning, spending, having an abundance of money. Many of the negative mind sets are passed down from our ancestors. Things such as “money is evil , you can’t be a good person if you have a lot of money, money doesn’t grow on trees, it’s hard to earn money.” Yuck!
- Tip 2: Once you have determined the negative beliefs, challenge them and and flip them. You might want to try on these statements, “money is a beautiful tool, I can have a lot of money and still be a good person, money flows to me, money is easy to generate.” Add in any new money beliefs you would like to adopt.
- Tip 3: Burn the negative list and keep the positive list for the next step.
- Getting clarity on what you want for your money mindset is powerful and will start the process of attracting it.
- Connection: Connection is about the present time. Let’s put this into action.
- Tip 1: Make a list of what you would do with your money if you had plenty of it. Imagine how it would feel if you were there already (debt free, an awesome trip, ability to help loved ones and others, a new house or car). Feel the joy.
- Tip 2: Visit high end stores that are out of your comfort zone. Walk in like you belong there. Browse, try things on, visit with the clerks, walk out confidently without purchasing anything.
- Tip 3: Use your new money beliefs as affirmations in your daily mirror exercises. See Spirituality for more info on this.
- Gratitude: If you want more abundance in your life, appreciate the things you already have.
- Tip 1: Each time you right a bill, write thank you at the top and feel gratitude that you have the money to pay it.
- Tip 2: Keep a gratitude journal and daily write 3-5 things you are grateful for. Sit in the feeling of gratitude for a few minutes.
- Tip 3: Hold cash in your hand and appreciate it and thank it. It’s not that your money will hear you, it is that it changes your energy.
- Generosity/Give Back:
- Clarity: First of all, let’s clarify that money is neither good nor bad, it is merely a tool that can be used for good or ill and everything in between. It is the steward of that money who determines what it is used for. Wouldn’t be better to have a money mindset that attracts money? Money is a beautiful tool and can be used to reduce stress and help yourself and others. Also, God is a God of abundance. Our job is to be good stewards.
Essential Oils:
- Juniper Berry: Helps overcome fears about oneself and promotes wholeness. Balances out conscious and subconscious.
- Peppermint: Promotes a buoyant heart and invigorates the mind and body.
- Uplifting Blend: Promotes feelings of optimism, cheerfulness and happiness.
- Rosemary: Assists in finding true knowledge about oneself. Promotes mind expansion and clarity.
- Bergamot: Promotes self-acceptance and self-love.
- Women’s Blend: Promotes feelings of gentleness with yourself.
- An energy session that helps clear darkness and increase light. Balances energy systems and body systems. Clears blocks.
- A foot treatment therapy that balances the body. It helps clear blockages, open up flow, and invites light. Opens the heart and promotes healing.
- An easy 8 week program for finding clarity and implementing your desires and visions.