Physical Health-Physical health has a great deal to do with our level of joy. You can be joyous without perfect health, but working for good health brings joy.
Health Habits
- Nutrition-Increase intake of plant-based foods, eat whole foods, take quality whole food vitamins
- Gut Health: Probiotics & cultured foods, digestive enzymes, Digestive EO Blend
- Fitness-Moderate exercise can reduce depression and improves sleep. Think strength, cardio, and flexibility.
- Peppermint, Soothing Blend for sore muscles.
- Sleep-Lavender, Calming Blend, Cedarwood
- Hydrate-lemon EO in water
- Balance Hormones-Women’s Blend EO
- De–stress: Grounding Blend, Citruses
Be kind to your body
Avoid things that harm your body
Be proactive in helping your body
Gratitude-Be grateful for your body