You may feel like crap right now. You may be hosting a pity party for yourself. If so, it might be pretty annoying to hear someone tell you that you can shift back into joy.
Why are you (or were you last) stuck in a rut? Do you know?
Maybe it’s because there’s a lot of negativity in the world.
Or sometimes life doesn’t go as planned.
Or because people can disappoint and hurt you.
Or you have too much to do and aren’t getting it done.
Whatever the reason, you may enjoy rolling in the mud for a while. Getting some mileage out of it. That’s fine. As long as you don’t stay in it for too long (a day is too long). Pity parties shut down creativity and productivity and repel people.
When you’re down in the dumps, you’re the one who can pull yourself out, and into a space of empowerment. But how?
Here are 18 tips to help you get into a better frame of mind:
1. Smile. It lifts the soul. It’s hard to be in the dumps when you choose to start smiling. Share that smile with others.
2. Talk to a friend who uplifts you. Someone who has great energy. Someone you love to be around.
3. Take action to solve a problem. Procrastination sucks energy away and can hurl you into the dumps. Action will pull you up.
4. Do something fun and energetic to lift your energy. Play full out.
5. Exercise. Get your heart rate up and get those endorphins flowing.
6. Listen to happy music. Get into the rhythm and start dancing.
7. Write down the challenges you are facing. Then burn the paper. Let it go.
8. Serve someone. This helps you focus on someone else and not your own troubles.
9. Breathe deeply. Take 5 long, slow, deep breaths. Breath in through your nose and out your mouth. This will calm the fight/flight response.
10. Use essential oils with citrus. Try joyful blends. Essential oils work with your limbic system and the aroma helps lift you.
11. Surround yourself with positive, happy people, spaces, and media.
12. Watch a fun movie and forget your worries for a while.
13. Laugh out loud! Even if it’s fake. Eventually the pure silliness of laughing for no reason will make you laugh for real.
14. Eliminate negative self-talk. Figure out how to reframe the situation into a more positive light.
15. Find the growth in overcoming the trial and appreciate it.
16. Get enough sleep. Take a nap.
17. Be grateful. Make a list of the blessings in your life. Feel into it.
18. If all else fails, eat some chocolate.