I recently saw a post that said, “Stay close to people who feel like Sunlight.” I’m not sure why, but it hit me strongly. My first thought was, who are the people in my life who feel like sunlight? Hmm, I would like more of them in my life. My second thought was, if I want to attract more people who feel like sunlight, I need to be a person who feels like sunlight myself. Well ok then.
I started pondering on what kind of attributes I notice in people who feel like sunlight and attributes I may want or need to be a person who feels like sunlight. I wrote a list in my journal. Here are some of my pondering in no particular order of attributes of a person who feels like sunlight:
- Live from a place of joy
- Be enthusiastic, motivated, and confident
- Be truly interested in others
- Wear a smile and smile at others
- Sing
- Dance
- Be encouraging, be a cheerleader
- Be energetic
- Be close to God and radiate His light
- Be happy
- Love life
- Love others
- Have a heart full of gratitude
- Have a servant’s heart
- Share learnings and be a teacher
- Be fit and healthy
- Nurture self/do self-care
- Be fearless
- BE ME!
A bit of a daunting list. But it’s my list. You’re welcome and invited to make your own list.
A day later I had an epiphany. If I want to be like sunlight, it would do me well to be more in line with the sun’s rhythm by going to bed not too much later than the sun does and getting up before the sunrise. I tend to be a night owl. Big time. I began experimenting with this notion of being more in line with the timing of the sun and have been amazed how much more productive I am during the day. My days feel lighter or light filled.
Another epiphany I had was that I feel clearer and lighter when I’m not surrounded by chaos. I have been on a cleaning and organizing mission. There is something about having clean and organized spaces that helps me feel lighter, or more like sunlight. I love having an organized office and cleared spaces now. My mind is clearer and lighter. Every little bit is helping.
And of course, I’m diffusing essential oils that help me feel more like light. My favorites are the citrus oils, peppermint, and Elevation (a blend from doTERRA). The essential oils have not only physical and mental enhancing properties, but also emotional enhancing properties. Who can’t feel like sunlight when smelling Wild Orange? It’s like walking through a grove of orange trees.
Also, I’ve been working on feeling like sunlight each day by working towards doing and being more of those attributes I listed above. Just being cognizant has helped. I check in on the list daily for a reminder and to do a little self-inventory. How am I doing here? Where do I want to add more intention and effort? I feel I’m doing pretty well with them.
Yesterday I was feeling super sad. The Notre Dame Cathedral was burning in Paris, my cute dog, Maizy died last week, and I was sad about other things. I had a thought. The sunlight is always shining during the day, but sometimes there are clouds and shadows. Yesterday I felt like a cloudy sunlit day. And that is ok. I acknowledged the sadness, knowing I was still being like sunlight as best I could.
Today feels like full sun. Even though it’s been cloudy all day, I feel sunshine in my soul. I see the light in the darkness and I have reframed the sadness from yesterday. I began thinking about Easter and rebirth and how through our Savior, Jesus Christ, we will all be reborn. Notre Dame will have a rebirth. My sweet Maizy isn’t really gone. She’s one my angels now. And each day is like a rebirth and can be better than the last. Each day I can feel more like sunlight.
The world needs more people who feel like sunlight. I believe every person needs people who feel like sunlight in their lives. And the best way to attract people who feel like sunlight is to be one yourself. I invite you to explore what being a light filled person means to you. Do you have people who feel like sunlight in your life? Are you a person who feels like sunlight? I invite you to up the light in your life!
Also, the people in your life who feel like sunlight would probably love hearing that from you. I’m sending this link to a few people in my life who feel like sunlight and letting them know how much I appreciate them. I invite you to do the same.
Lastly, as I continued pondering, I realized I have lots of people in my life who feel like sunshine, but I don’t interact and communicate with some of them much! It’s time to reach out and let them know how much I appreciate them.
There are my musings for today. If you feel inspired, please comment below. I wish you a beautiful, light-filled day! May you be someone who lifts others by feeling like sunlight to them!
Wendy Cox