The 6-week Transform! Online Program was created to give you coaching and guidance to help you succeed in transforming your life and manifesting your dreams and goals. It works in conjunction with the Butterfly Book. The program helps you get more clarity on your goals and desires and gives you extra tools and ideas for implementing those goals and desire. You get in-depth training on goal setting, embracing your day with joy, and organizing your life. You get in depth training to make your empowering Manifest Audio. You get coaching as you implement the principles from the Butterfly Book and more training for all of the areas. You will receive downloads to help you get clarity and spark ideas as well as help you create your own personal game plan in creating a more joyous life. The online program helps you be more effective and productive, less anxious and stressed. This program helps you more fully learn and implement success principles. It helps you understand how to kick in your joy and be happy, no matter your circumstances. It helps you clarify how you want to show up or be inside, what you want to accomplish or do, and what you want to have as well as implement these desires. With guidance you come up with a plan to transform and rescript your life and help you live more joyously now. In doing this you unlock the keys to manifestation.
By guiding you through the process step by step, in the Butterfly Book and Transform! Program, which are designed to work together, we can help you clean out old patterns,
become clear on what you really want, help you map out your new vision and beingness, and show you how to manifest your dreams. We can help you become more authentic and live your truth. We help you live a more joyous and amazing life now. Wherever you are in life, you can up-level your joy, happiness, and effectiveness as well as transform, manifest, and grow yourself wings to fly, as you implement this book and program.
This is a 6 Module Online Course. You can go through it in a day or two if you would like or take 6 weeks.
Transform: 6 Module Course: $69.97
Butterfly Book
This Butterfly Book is a powerful tool to help you transform and give you wings to fly. Help you become the sun in the center of a constellation. Attract people to you. You most likely feel you have a calling or mission you feel drawn to accomplish. To make a mark bigger than yourself. This book is designed to help you manifest your dreams, goals, and missions as well as transform your life into a place of more beauty and joy. This book helps you focus more on what is positive in your life by rewarding yourself for moving forward each day. It teaches you to be your own best cheerleader. With consistency and repetition, you create new habits that lift you. You create new subconscious programming that supports you in your desires. You clarify what is important to you and what is not.
This Butterfly Book teaches you to implement success principles, helping you to live more joyously. It assists you in becoming more present and focused, helping you stay on task and get more done with less effort. It aids you in shifting your thoughts to be more positive and encouraging towards yourself and others. It helps you clarify your dreams and goals. It helps you celebrate you and your life. It helps you be more grateful in each moment and more nurturing to your self and your life. When you implement the success principles and habits, you transform your life and open yourself to more fully manifest your dreams and desires.